So this is a quick note to myself as I was playing with the relevance heuristics of a query. This example adds a column of relevance and sorts the rows accordingly.
This has to be a real quick one for a dropdown search field which has to find relevant terms to autofill/autocomplete a search form:
So this is a quick note to myself as I was playing with the relevance heuristics of a query. This example adds a column of relevance and sorts the rows accordingly.
This has to be a real quick one for a dropdown search field which has to find relevant terms to autofill/autocomplete a search form:
-- where @ThisSearch is a posted (and sanitized) variable SET @ThisSearch:="Brains"; SELECT columnID, columnFullName, CASE WHEN columnFirstName LIKE @ThisSearch THEN 20 WHEN columnFullName LIKE @ThisSearch THEN 10 WHEN columnLastName LIKE @ThisSearch THEN 10 WHEN columnFullName LIKE @ThisSearch THEN 1 END as relevance FROM myTable WHERE s.columnPublished <= NOW() AND ( SOUNDEX(@ThisSearch)=columnFullSoundex OR columnFullName LIKE @ThisSearch ) ORDER BY relevance DESC, columnFullName ASC